Our Australian Coins Lesson Plans & Activities Kit is JAMMED full of hands-on Activities, Printables and Classroom Visuals. Grab your teaching kit now for For EVERYTHING you need for Teaching, Assessing & Reporting Coin Recognition.
Australian Coins Lesson Plans & Activities Kit
Teaching Money is broken down into 8 areas:
- Coin Recognition – Recognise features, describe & order coins
- Note Recognition – Recognise features, describe & order notes
- Collections – Count and order small collections of notes & coins
- Equivalences – Show money values in multiple ways
- Change – Give change to nearest 5 cents
- Problem Solving -Solve money word problems involving change
- Simple Financial Planning – simple budgets
- Percentage Discounts
We have used this breakdown to create a range of differentiated activities to meet the needs of the students and not just the Year level requirements.
These coin printables in our Australian Coins Lesson Plans & Activities Kit are focussed on coin recognition and include activities that allow your students to discover:
- Coins are different in other countries
- The features of coins – colour, size, shape, animals or people featured
- Which coins are worth more or less than others
- How to sort coins according to criteria – size, shape, colour and more
- Different coins represent different amounts
- The size of the coin doesn’t represent the value of the coin
- How to record coin values using, numbers, words & symbols
Teaching Australian Money Kit Contents
- 19 Secured PDF Files (no copy, paste, eatracting, editing or customising of the info in this file). To print correctly you need the latest version of ADOBE Reader DC (FREE)
- Teacher Lesson/ Unit Plan – Everything you need to teach the coins unit. The teacher lesson Plan includes teaching focus, Achievement Standard, grade overview, children’s books and website suggestions, activities overview.
- Pre & Post Assessment Tasks
- Teacher Checklists
- 9 Student Activities Checklist
- Teacher Demonstration Visuals
- Classroom Visuals
- 8 Different Coin Frayer Model Thinkboards. Perfect for warm ups, Lesson Closure, centers and Assessment
- (Notes Not included)

Australian Coins Activities
- Piggy Banks – 9 different piggy bank sheets perfect for coin rubbing to help identify the features of Australian coins
- Wanted Coins – Kids will love learning about the features of Australian coins with this fun Wanted Coins Activity. Print as A3 or A4 and laminate or as a student coin booklet!
- Coin Thinkboards -Sorting Coins Thinkboards are great for centers, assessment and warm up activities. There are 39 different tasks in this download
- Jigsaws – 5 different Australian Coin jigsaw puzzles to help kids learn about the features of Australian Coins. Includes colour and B&W versions
- Mazes – 36 different variations of these coin tracing mazes. Laminate or use a reusable pocket. Students match images, money words, digits and names
- Card Games – These coin recognition cards can be used in so many different ways, snap, war, matching. There’s 36 written feature cards and 36 picture cards
- Spinner Games – These spinners add a new level to bingo math games. They’re much more fun for kids to learn the features of Australian Coins. There are 4 versions available in with a decorative background or a low ink version. You decide!
- Colour By Code Coin Detective – There are 3 versions of the Coin detective worksheets Kids have to find, sort and colour the coins
- Make A Mini Coin Book – Kids will love making this mini coin booklet. Each coin has it’s own page and kids have to colour in the true statement about each coin. It’s such a fun way to learn all the features of Australian coins.
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