Are you looking for fun and engaging activities for building addition facts? Then you’re in the right place! These Rainbow Facts Printables Are just what you need to for addition fact fluency.
These Rainbow Fact Printables are perfect for math centers, homework and intervention. Use them to build recall and fluency in addition facts to and beyond.
Rainbow facts are pairs of numbers that total 10 when added together. Knowing rainbow facts is really useful for lots of everyday situations like shopping. Remembering these addition facts are useful when subtracting or adding amounts from 10 or 100.
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Rainbow Facts Printables
We have created 4 separate activities for you to buy separately or in a Bundle. All products are secured PDF PRINT Only documents (no copy, paste, customising, extracting of information). Please use Adobe Reader DC to open & print the file correctly. This is FREE here
1.Classroom Posters 10-100 – 2 versions -20 pages
- These Rainbow Facts Posters are a great way to help your students remember their Rainbow Facts 10-100. Use them in a bulletin board display or laminate them as a math center activity!
- The pack extends addition facts to 100 using the same strategy as rainbow number facts to 10.
- There’s 2 versions of the poster- Black background or white background
2. Rainbow Facts Craft – 11 pages
- Instructions are simple and students will need coloured pencils, glue and scissors to complete the tasks. To display the Rainbow craft punched holes to attach each fact under the rainbow using paper clips.
- Student colour the rainbow using a separate colour for each band of the rainbow. There is a back and front version if you want to use both.
- Number the rainbow bands 0-10 (left to right)
- Next colour the circles on each band of the rainbow, using red & yellow, to show the addition fact. e.g. in band 1 there are 10 circles, 1 will be yellow and 9 red to show 1 + 9
- Cut out the digit and ten frames, colour and match to make 10 then stick onto the cloud shapes.
- Attach the clouds to the rainbow using paper clips and display.
- Copy more rainbows and clouds to extend to show the same pattern for 20-100!
Become a VIP and get 20 new products every month for $3.08 – All these Rainbow Facts Printables Are available. Click Image To see more.

3. Rainbow Facts 10-100 Jigsaws – 82 pages
- Help your kids build fluency and recall of addition number facts with these Fun puzzles.
- The pack extends addition facts to 100 using the same strategy as rainbow number facts to 10.
- Perfect for math centers, practice and intervention. Simply Print Laminate & Cut!
4. Rainbow Facts Student Worksheets – 60 pages
- 61 Rainbow facts 10-100 student worksheets. At least 5 differentiated worksheets per decade. Use with the write and wipe activities or posters or print as a student booklet for review and practice.
5. Write & Wipe Rainbow Facts 10-100 (157 pages)
These Rainbow Facts Math Center Activities are a great way to help your students remember their Rainbow Facts 10-100. Use them in your math centers as write and wipe activities to build extend Rainbow facts to 10 recall and fact fluency.
The pack extends addition facts to 100 using the same strategy as rainbow number facts to 10.
Add to cart Your FREE Rainbow Facts To 10 Poster!
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