Non-Standard Measurement activities help kids to really learn about measuring. But it needs to be done properly or your kids won’t get it! Read on to get our Secret Weapon for teaching non-standard measuring.
Teaching measurement concepts to children can be both practical and engaging through the use of non-standard measurement. This approach involves using everyday objects, such as toys and household items, to help young learners grasp the concepts of length, mass, and capacity before transitioning to standard measurement tools. By integrating fun activities and various subjects, non-standard measurement fosters essential measuring skills in early childhood education.
In kindergarten, children are introduced to the basics of measuring length. Non-standard measuring tools, such as popsticks and paperclips, help children grasp fundamental measuring concepts before moving on to standard tools like rulers and measuring tapes. These informal units of measurement make the learning process interactive and enjoyable. Teaching nonstandard measurement is crucial in kindergarten as it is highly relevant in daily life and helps create engaging lesson plans.
Introduction to Measuring Length
Measuring length is a fundamental concept in mathematics that involves determining the distance between two points. In kindergarten, this concept is introduced using non-standard units, such as blocks, counting bears, or paper clips. These everyday objects make the idea of measuring length more tangible and relatable for young children. By using non-standard units, children can develop their measuring skills in a hands-on and interactive way.
As children become more comfortable with the concept of length, they transition to using standard units and tools like measuring tapes, rulers, and yardsticks. This progression helps them understand the importance of accuracy and consistency in measurement. Teaching measurement with both non-standard and standard units lays a strong foundation for future mathematical learning and practical life skills.
Understanding Non-Standard Units
Non-standard units are everyday objects used to measure length, such as shoes, paper clips, or blocks. Unlike standard units, these objects are not uniform in size or length, but they are incredibly useful for introducing measurement concepts to young children. Using non-standard units allows children to practice measuring length in a way that is both fun and educational.
For instance, a child might use a shoe to measure the length of a table or a paper clip to measure the length of a pencil. These activities help children develop their measuring skills and understand the concept of length without the need for precise tools. By engaging with non-standard units, children learn to compare and estimate lengths, which are essential skills in both mathematics and everyday life.
Continue reading to find out how kids can measure things without using rulers, tapes or scales. We will also tell you about our secret weapon for teaching non-standard measurement… The ‘Messy Box’ is an essential piece of kit to help you teach measurement.
There’s a handy FREE Measurement Cheat Sheet to print at the end of the post too. Perfect for your teaching numeracy toolkit!
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Related Post: How To Teach Standard Measurement
What’s The Difference Between Standard & Non-Standard Measurement?
Non-Standard Measurement
Non Standard Measurement is a way of introducing pre-school, Kindergarten, Reception or First Grade kids to measurement using a non-standard unit. It involves finding out how big, heavy, long, etc… something is and how two or more objects compare (DIRECT COMPARISON) to each other.
Standard Measurement
Standard measurement is introduced to middle and upper-grade students. They are taught about a standard unit of measurement, like metres and centimetres, inches and feet. Standard Measurement is more complicated because it involves formulae or converting between units to find out how big, small, long…etc something is. ( INDIRECT COMPARISON).
It also requires skill and understanding in using measuring tools and instruments, particularly being able to read and interpret the scale on the tools.
In this post we are focussing on NON-STANDARD Measurement you can read about Standard Measurement Activities in our related post.
Printable Measurement Activities
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Is Non-Standard Measurement REAL Measuring?
The measurement process is very complicated and involves a lot of thinking, actions and steps if you are to measure an object correctly and accurately. Introducing kids to measurement activities using non-standard units, if done properly, highlights these steps and gives them the opportunity to ‘DO’ measuring. Non-Standard measuring is the foundation of real measurement, without it kids don’t understand the importance of:
- Starting points
- Standard units
- Uniform repeating units to measure and compare objects
- No gaps or overlaps
- How many units were used tells how ‘big’ something is
So what do I mean by ‘DO’ measuring? What I mean is, if you ask a student to find out which is the biggest, longest, tallest, heaviest…, table, foot… could they do it?
Well, you’re probably going to say of course! But ask yourself how much of the ‘Measuring’ did they do on their own and how much did you scaffold? And by scaffold I mean, did the kids make critical measuring decision themself or did you give them all the answers? Did they decide:
- What parts of the object needed to be measured?
- What ‘non-standard’ tool to pick to do the measuring with
- Whether they would use the same unit over and over?
- How to deal with parts of a unit?
- Know the measurement?
- Talk about and communicate using the right measurement words?
So, If you tell the kids to find out how long the book is using unifix cubes, how much of the measuring have the kids really done? Does this type of measurement activity focused on ‘COUNTING How Many’ cubes long, a book is or measuring?
The MOST important thing about Teaching Non-Standard Measurement is that the measurement task is a MEASURING task that gives kids the opportunity to learn what you need to ‘DO’ if you want to measure an object. (REMEMBER THIS!)
Educating Parents About Non-Standard Measurement
So you may be wondering, and so may your parents & your students…Why are students made to measure objects using hand-spans, popsticks, string, anything but a ruler?
Using Non-standard measurement (direct measurement) helps students to understand the measuring process. Lessons and activities that let kids learn to measure using non-standard measurement tools, (popsticks, uni fixcubes or marbles) allow them to focus on how to measure and find out which object is heavier, lighter, longer, shorter etc. without reading scales on standard measuring tools.
These processes are important foundations for measurement and facilitate students’ understanding of what measuring is before they move onto the next step of measuring objects using standard units.
Planning Non-Standard Measurement Lessons
A great resource we used to plan our non-standard measurement activity is the First Steps Measurement Books. These books are research-based about what to include in measurement lesson plans and activities. They are my go-to resource to help me understand what processes kids need to learn. For teaching non-standard measurement this is 3 phases that need to be used for teaching all the measurement attributes:
- length
- area
- volume
- capacity
- mass
Lessons and units need to give opportunities for exploration of the key ideas:
- To measure something means how much of a particular attribute it has.
- The instrument we choose to represent the unit should relate well to what we are measuring & should be easily repeated
- Our choice of attribute & unit depends upon what we are trying to measure & why
- To measure consistently we need to use our instrument in a way that is a good match to the object being measured
Get access to the First Steps Teaching Mathematics Books FREE online here.
Phase 1: Identifying the attribute
The focus is on – Developing the concept of the attribute, distinguishing it from other attributes and gaining an intuitive understanding of its properties.
Activities would include the opportunity to:
- Learn language of measurement
(how far, how long, tall, short, wide, distance around tree, length…) - Compare objects on basis of attribute
(which snake is longer, who is taller, which house is further away, sort pens by length …) - Compare with other attributes
(this box is longer, but that box is bigger; he is taller, but I am older) - Use informal units
(it is 5 giant steps to the window, this table is 12 books long …)
Phase 2: Learning to measure
Measure how much (quantity), use formal units, and estimate measurements.
- Transition from informal units to formal units
(make ‘ruler’ for informal unit (e.g. popstick length, discuss value of agreed unit, make own ruler measuring in centimetres …) - Make and use simplified ‘instruments’ that highlight key features
(rulers with only centimetres marked, one-handed clock, mark a jug with ‘cups’…) - Measure objects in various ways
(correct use of ruler, tape measure, trundle wheel …) - Acquiring a set of personal benchmarks that can be used for estimating
(my hand span is about 15 cm; I am about 130cm tall…)
Phase 3: Learning to calculate
Convert from one unit to another, calculate, instead of direct measure.
- Formulas derived from first principles, rather than only memorised
(perimeter of rectangle = 2 × length + 2 × width, circumference of circle = 2r)
- Conversions between units draws on principles of proportional reasoning
(sketch dual number line to see 3.2 km = 3200 m etc)
Non-Standard Measurement Units
Messy Math Box
To teach non-standard measurement effectively you will need a ‘Messy’ Measurement Box. This is a box filled with all sorts of non-standard measuring tools.
By using the ‘messy’ box to measure objects kids are learning that measurement is not just a numerical final measurement. They learn that measurement is also about:
- selecting the correct tool for the job
- selecting a uniform repeating unit
- using a unit in the same way without gaps or overlaps to find out how big something is.
The process of non-standard measurement highlights some big ideas of measurement & students need to master the full range of skills to become competent before they start using scaled measuring tools.
What To Include In A Measurement Messy Box
When measuring, students need to independently select the correct tool for the job, rather than being told to measure the desk using popsticks. By presenting the students with a ‘Measurement Messy box and asking them “How long is the desk?” or “Which is the biggest?” you are allowing your kids to demonstrate and use their measurement skills to ‘DO’ measuring!
In our ‘Messy’ box we included a range of items for measuring all attributes, not just length, so the students really did have to decide which measuring tool is right for the job. We included:
- pegs
- wool, elastic, string
- matchsticks
- sticky tape
- plastic drinking cups
- broken rulers
- pop sticks
- blu tac
- cotton buds
- marbles
- broken rulers (see related post for more on this one!)
There are so many items you can include but make sure that the box of equipment MESSY and the items are not to be sorted or organised in any way. If you organise and sort the messy box items then you are actually sorting into uniform repeating units. This is scaffolding the student and prompting them to select a repeating uniform unit, rather than them learning the importance of this themselves.
Using The Messy Box For Measurement Activities
You may think that children instinctively know what to measure length, width, mass etc but they don’t … This was proved recently when I asked the Year 4’s to measure their desks. They were asked to find out how big their desk was and who had the biggest desk. Simple enough right?
Each group had a MESSY MEASUREMENT BOX on their tables containing a range of items, string, popsticks, broken rulers, plastic cups, blutac, match sticks, sticky tape, elastic bands, clothes pegs, crayons, pencils, cotton buds…etc. . As we stood and watched the children my colleagues & I could not believe what we were seeing.
How Kids Measured Using the Messy Box
The behaviour of the groups clearly identified what we needed to teach, Group:
- Stood staring & disengaged, waiting because they just couldn’t get past the ‘hands-on’ approach & didn’t understand the concept of measuring
- Pleaded for a ruler,
- Decided to use bluetac & stretched it across the table. When it snapped they put the bit in their hands on the edge of the table and ignored the fact that they didn’t have enough
- Used a mixture of items, a crayon, a popstick & an elastic band, and lined them end to end across the table in a very slanted line, and when they got to the end & didn’t have a small item just ignored the gap.
- Used the same item repeatedly, but who measured the space of their finger every time they moved their tool
- The group who used a MARBLE to measure length!!!!!!!!
So you can now see the importance of letting students select their own tools to measure from a ‘Messy’ box. If we had just given them rulers or pop sticks we would not have identified their areas of need. Try this one in your class and let us know what happens!

Teaching Measurement Resources
To help identify which year levels teach what in measurement I created a Measurement Cheat Sheet. It helps educators to make links between what is to be taught in each Year Level, specific concepts, & the Achievement Standards. There is also a handy clarification of measurement terminology page, to help with a shared understanding of teaching measurement.
- Free Teaching Measurement Cheat Sheet
- Using Children’s Books For Teaching Measurement
- Kindergarten Non Standard Measurement Moderation Task
- Measuring Using Informal Units
- Non Standard Measurement Activities {Hands-On}
Fun Measurement Activities
Measuring length can be a fun and engaging activity for children. Here are some ideas for enjoyable measurement activities:
- Measuring with Paper Clips: Provide children with a set of paper clips and ask them to measure the length of different objects, such as a pencil or a book. This activity helps them practice measuring length using non-standard units.
- Measuring with Blocks: Give children a set of blocks and ask them to measure the length of various objects, such as a table or a chair. This hands-on activity reinforces the concept of length and helps develop their measuring skills.
- Measuring with Shoes: Have children use a shoe to measure the length of different objects, such as a rug or a hallway. This fun and interactive activity makes the concept of measurement more relatable.
- Measuring with a Measuring Tape: Introduce children to standard measurement tools by providing them with a measuring tape. Ask them to measure the length of different objects, such as a room or a piece of furniture. This activity helps them understand the importance of accuracy and consistency in measurement.
These activities not only make learning about length enjoyable but also help children develop a strong foundation in measuring skills. By combining non-standard and standard units, children gain a comprehensive understanding of measurement that will benefit them in their future education and daily life.
And Finally…
Measurement is tricky even for adults. How many times have you misjudged something and when you have got it hoe or had it delivered it doesn’t fit!!! So give your students the time they need to explore measurement and the art of measuring!
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