Get definitions, ‘How To’ help, videos and activities for Teaching Repeated Addition with your kids. Oh Yes… and don’t forget the Arrays, ‘Groups Of’ and Skip Counting if you want them to ACE Multiplication!
Have you ever asked a child what Repeated Addition is? Could they tell you..? They would probably respond with “It’s adding!”
But what about the repeated bit?
Most kids I have taught will tell you “It’s adding” and they tell you with the biggest “I’m proud of myself grin on their faces!” Right?
Related Post: The Guide To Teaching Multiplication
You have seen this and they have probably convinced you that they know what it is! Because kids are professional persuaders and pleaser, don’t EVER forget that!
But what about that word ‘Repeated???’ The word that they intentionally skipped over and actually ignored?
They hope that you don’t realise that they have just ignored it, hence the BIG teacher pleasing smiling grin all over their face…Don’t be fooled this is a purposeful attempt to distract you!
Because actually 9 out of 10 times kids don’t know or understand and what we mean by the word ‘repeated’, let alone why or how they would be using it. In this post I’ll share with you the Think Board Strategy PLUS at the END of the post 5 FREE Frayer Model Think Boards For Teaching Repeated Addition!
Related Post:7 Easy & Stress Free Teaching Multiplication Strategies For Kids!
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Up until this point we have told your kiddos all about adding things together and they have a good handle on this, in fact they probably love it! But now “repeated addition”… they probably think you’ve made a mistake… you mean ADDING Right?
Before you go any further with teaching this concept make sure you know what they know about it! If kids are NOT explicitly taught that the word repeated is really important and WHY it’s important then they will struggle to transition from additive thinking into multiplicative thinking…
So before you start teaching repeated addition, we challenge you to ask your kids “What is Repeated addition?” and then ask “WHY do we need it?”
Repeated Addition Prior Knowledge Assessment
We ask our learners these prior knowledge questions as a pre-assessment of what they already know and what they need to learn. Rather than putting a pace of ‘sums’ in front of them to ‘test’ them we prefer to use a more open-ended activity like the Frayer Model Thinkboard, developed by Dorothy Frayer.
This is an open ended resource that allows you to see the depth of understanding that kids have about any concept. They are an excellent tool and we have them for teaching number sense too!
We have created 4 FREE teaching Repeated Addition Thinkboards just for you! Get them at the very END of the post! Hope you love using the think board as much as we do, so us some appreciation for our FREEBIES & leave us a nice comment!
What You Need To Know About Teaching Repeated Addition
Teaching Repeated Addition is complex and has so many teaching points. We have done the research to find out what it’s all about, and why we teach it. Stick to this teaching repeated addition list and you won’t miss a thing in your lesson planning!
Here’s everything you need to know about repeated Addition:
- Teaching Repeated Addition – Our Top Tips For Teaching Repeated Addition are a great way to introduce early multiplication understanding to your kids. Get a definition, why it’s important and a video to help you teach it.
- Multiplication as Repeated Addition Lesson Plan For Free -Our Multiplication As Repeated Addition Lesson Plan is an excellent FREE lesson plan. Perfect for hands-on activities.
- Repeated Addition Activities (Coming Soon)
Related Post: Essential Guide To Teaching Addition and Subtraction
- Teaching Skip Counting – Our top tips for Teaching Skip Counting are guaranteed strategies to get kids counting fluently by 2s, 5s, or 100s. {Hint- It’s a lot more than chanting!}
- Times Tables Printable Number Games – Our hands-on times tables printable number games will help beat memorisation boredom and make Learning Multiplication Strategies Easy & Enjoyable for your kids. This cool idea includes arrays, repeated addition and skip counting all in one activity!
- Strategies For Teaching Multiplication -5 of the best multiplication strategies to teach your students. These strategies will help them solve multiplication problems using their existing additive understandings. Teaching programs need to include explicit teaching of these strategies as well as opportunities to apply the strategies in problem solving situations.
FREE Printables For Teachers

- Repeated Addition Classroom Ideas -Help your kids with multiplication by teaching them repeated addition, groups of & arrays! These fun hands on activities are excellent for math centers and will help your kids smash math! #math #teaching #numbersense
- Multiplication and Repeated addition Song – A fun rap, created by kids that shows how the two are connected. Get your kids to create their own!
Products A Plus Teaching Resources…
Click the Image below For your Repeated Addition Free Printable Think boards!
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