Our hands-on times tables printable number games will help beat memorisation boredom and make Learning Multiplication Strategies Easy & Enjoyable for your kids!
Many of our kids find it really difficult to memorise and remember their times tables number facts. This is quite surprising really as they have been learning these facts year after year for at least the last 3-4 years!
Do you still have children in your class that don’t know their times tables? YES? Then you’ll love our printable number games for multiplication and our Teaching Multiplication Strategies videos.
In this post We’ll share with you the SIMPLEST and most amazing activity that will get results for your kids. There’s a FREE download too, right at the end of the post!!!
Related Post: The Guide To Teaching Multiplication
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Why Kids Can’t Remember Times Tables
So we took a look at how kids had been learning their multiplication number facts (Times Tables) in the past. We found that generally they had not really been taught multiplicative thinking. Instead they had been given timed, drill focussed worksheets. How stressful!
We soon realised this was the reason why they still didn’t know their times tables! Read more about this and how it can lead to math anxiety.
We realised that most of the printables and worksheets consisted of lines of problems that could only really be solved if you already knew the answer!
For example the problem 4 x 8 = ? can only be solved if you understand what ‘times (x)’ means in the number sentence or if you have memorised the answer during times tables drills! If you don’t have this information you have no way of coming up with the right solution!
Related Post: Best Activities For Teaching Multiplication, Arrays, Repeated Addition, and Groups
Drills are a necessary part of learning times tables, but they will not TEACH kids the tables. Drills can speed up the response to the tables that children do know but will not help them to learn the tables they don’t know.
So drill practice must come after your kids have learnt their times tables and understand the multiplication process.
Times Tables Games Printable
Our simple times tables booklet is the perfect printable to get your kids to learn any of the multiplications fact families. They are crazy simple to create but are the most effective ‘Times Tables’ activity ever!
When kids make this simple booklet they are building a deep understanding of the multiplicative process. With the right teacher scaffolding and modelling this book can help your students understand:
- Repeated Addition
- Arrays
- Skip Counting
- Multiplication Fact (Times Tables)
What’s more these times tables printables number games are simple to prep. There’s no printing, copying or laminating!
We guarantee your kids will enjoy learning their number facts and will with practice memorise their Times tables once and for all!
Related Post: Must Have FREE Printable Multiplication Games
Times Tables Printable Number Games
- 1 piece of A3 paper per booklet
- Metal Ruler
- Do A Dot Markers
- Double sided sticky tape
How To Make A Times Table Booklet
To make this booklet work you need to make sure you have 12 sections and that you fold it up correctly. The cover of the book is actually at the book so the book is actually read back to front!
Watch our video to see how to make our Times Table Printable Number Games Booklet
Instructions For Times Tables Printable Number Games
- Fold the A3 paper in half lengthways
- Cut the page in half lengthways so you get 2 strips of paper
- Join the sheets together so you now have a long strip of paper
- To make enough sections for 12 times tables facts fold over a flap that is roughly 6cm wide
- Continue to fold the paper onto itself until you get to the end of the strip. The last fold will not be a full measure, still fold it over
- Trim the excess
- Write the title on the BACK cover
- Open the booklet from the back of the book and add your array on the right side of the page page using Do-A-Dot markers or stickers
- On the left hand side page write the multiplication number sentence or ‘times table’
- Write the skip count total as you go along
- Make them for all the times tables! This is a perfect activity for your math centres, early finishers or homework.
Click the image below to get our FREE Times Tables Printable Number Games Printable and get a 20% Off discount Coupon to spend on our Multiplication packs!
Times Tables And Digital Technologies
Looking to integrate Digital Technology into your teaching numeracy? Then you must try OSMO!
It works with the i-pad so the kids instantly love learning! We used the Numbers pack to help build automatic recall of number facts in out math centers.
It is so easy to integrate and can be used to develop number recognition, subitizing, addition, subtraction and multiplication facts. What’s more you’re using simple digital technology in your math class!
Click the images below for more teaching multiplication strategies…

Printable Multiplication Tables {Essential Tips & Tricks!}

Multiplication As Repeated Addition Lesson Plan {FREE Download}

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7 Easy & Stress Free Teaching Multiplication Strategies For Kids!

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[…] for learners to grasp if it’s taught solely as the rote learning and memorization of times tables […]